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In the past few months I was working for different (digital) companies and I had the chance to discuss the digital evolution with interesting people.

Nowadays everybody is talking about the „industry 4.0“ aka „digital everything“. If you are working in this field longer then two years you will probably agree the industry 4.0 started a fews years ago (under different names).
I am a digital guy, I love everything digital and my brains keep telling me „make this digital“ – but sometimes I ask myself if after the invention of the wheel the people started to add wheels to anything. Probably yes.

Back to the present: For me the question is not just „what we can do“ and „how it will change“ but also „how can we handle it“. I am not talking about technology but humans psychology.

A friend of mine told me the amazing formula E=P-S witch means that „distraction“ is the challenge (Erfolg = Potential – Störung). Sure it’s not new at all but in my opinion we live in the „distraction age„.

The great thing: There is always a solution and it’s not rocket science: do not let you disturb.
In the past few month I tried to do so and I came up with the idea of „flight mode“. And this is how it works (I will release the e-book soon).

  • Put one or two tasks into your hand luggage
  • Select the destination (and the time)
  • Set your self on flight mode (mute everything, yes everything)
  • Work 15 times more efficient during your „flight“
  • Save landing, grab a coffee, check your mails and talk to people.

The key is to choose your destination in advance. A flight duration can be 1h or 5h but set a time.

Good luck!


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