
It’s ok to use your dog-name as password

As I mentioned in this post I thought about a way to make password „saver“ (but not super save). In my option the main problem is there is not „physical place“ to collect passwords. We use post-its, used paper etc. That’s why I though about a shiny „All My Passwords“ booklet.
Sure it not a great idea to write all you passwords into a booklet and leave it on your desk. But why not?

This is how my „masterkey password booklet“ works:

  • First you need a masterkey like „bello2012“ or „ilovecars“ or „mycatsnameismia“.
  • The masterkey is the gray area. Example: jkEie7ilovecarsdjwi
  • The booklet provides 20 random passwords but you are able to edit them if needed – with a pen ;)
  • To backup your list take a photo with your smartphone and save it on your Dropbox.




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