Meine Geschichte

No Music – Spinning is Live Series

In the last few years „music“ became essential in the fitness world. Running, cycling and even swimming headphone on.
But what happens if you press the stop button?
This is what I did in my today’s interval Spinning class. I motivated my class to do a few very intense interval (2-5 mintutes) „alone“.
Probable 50% of my group hated the idea (mostly women) and the rest loved it (mostly men).

So why is this? Exercise without music makes you feel naked.

Without distraction your brain immediately tries to start thinking – without a useful result. Some see this a challenge and are trying to focus, the others are not able to handle the „silence“ and the brain becomes stronger and stronger and finally the output is: „This is stupid“.
This progress is may personal but as well depending on your „day“, your training status, your gender etc..

But it is a great exercise. So give it a try the next time you exercise, drive, walk, work etc.

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